Bienert Katzman Littrell Williams LLP partner Pam Naughton gave a presentation on July 27, 2023 for the 15th annual Financial Symposium organized by the San Diego County Tax Collector to benefit public entities which receive tax monies. The audience included more than 320 employees of various state and local governmental entities such as school and water districts, public pension systems, and municipalities. Pam spoke on the legal ramifications and application of Artificial Intelligence in government accounting, reporting, fraud detection, and auditing. Her co-panelists were Jack Pellegrino, Director of Purchasing and Contracting for the County of San Diego who supervises over $2 billion worth of contracts, and Professor Dan O’Leary of the Leventhal School of Accounting at USC's Marshall School of Business.
Visit Pam Naughton’s profile to learn more about her background and representative matters.